With regard to the execution witnessed from various angles and so cited during the trial there is an underbelly that may be of interest to Gary's readers You can take this for what it is worth. A good female friend told me not long after the event in question that she has a friend in the media who is familiar with the Minneapolis area. When the relationship between perpetrator and victim was first mentioned it was established that they both worked security at the same nightclub. It was not established whether they knew one another or not. My friend's source said that they did definitely know one another. Further that one of the "actors" was found to have gay child pornography on his computer. Now neither of this individuals was flawless. Floyd had a history of crime drug use and intimidation. Chauvin against logic and reason was still on the Minneapolis PD after about 18 citations on his record. Floyd was a father. Chauvin's wife left him after the execution.
We are living in a fraught world. Police will acknowledge that they are asked to do too much and perhaps given too much opportunity to do wrong. They rightfully should have trained personnel along to deal with mental instability cases. The lead injection should not be used to calm a person in distress if it can be avoided. Cops should walk the beat. Community policing works.
In Holland the saying is "The policemen is your best friend" until he's not. With malignant influences like Donald J Swamp and the brutality of MMA whipping up people to a frenzy
and the pandemic taking people to the point where as it is said in New Orleans they are "working on their last nerve" it is not surprising that the police force needs some fine tuning. Gun control measures long overdue would relive some of the pressure. Here in New York City the current mayor and his predecessor have kept the NYPD on a short leash regarding the enforcement of the law against lawless bike riders. This undermines the NYPD. Emboldens lawbreakers who develop a sense of entitlement-there is a ripple effect. A public safety problem.
Laws must evolve. The authorities need to enforce them responsibly.
With all the fentanyl inside George Floyd's body he was dead even before the cops got him down. I can't believe that people are still upset about a man who held a gun into a pregnant woman's stomach
With regard to the execution witnessed from various angles and so cited during the trial there is an underbelly that may be of interest to Gary's readers You can take this for what it is worth. A good female friend told me not long after the event in question that she has a friend in the media who is familiar with the Minneapolis area. When the relationship between perpetrator and victim was first mentioned it was established that they both worked security at the same nightclub. It was not established whether they knew one another or not. My friend's source said that they did definitely know one another. Further that one of the "actors" was found to have gay child pornography on his computer. Now neither of this individuals was flawless. Floyd had a history of crime drug use and intimidation. Chauvin against logic and reason was still on the Minneapolis PD after about 18 citations on his record. Floyd was a father. Chauvin's wife left him after the execution.
We are living in a fraught world. Police will acknowledge that they are asked to do too much and perhaps given too much opportunity to do wrong. They rightfully should have trained personnel along to deal with mental instability cases. The lead injection should not be used to calm a person in distress if it can be avoided. Cops should walk the beat. Community policing works.
In Holland the saying is "The policemen is your best friend" until he's not. With malignant influences like Donald J Swamp and the brutality of MMA whipping up people to a frenzy
and the pandemic taking people to the point where as it is said in New Orleans they are "working on their last nerve" it is not surprising that the police force needs some fine tuning. Gun control measures long overdue would relive some of the pressure. Here in New York City the current mayor and his predecessor have kept the NYPD on a short leash regarding the enforcement of the law against lawless bike riders. This undermines the NYPD. Emboldens lawbreakers who develop a sense of entitlement-there is a ripple effect. A public safety problem.
Laws must evolve. The authorities need to enforce them responsibly.
With all the fentanyl inside George Floyd's body he was dead even before the cops got him down. I can't believe that people are still upset about a man who held a gun into a pregnant woman's stomach